Monday, October 14, 2019

Paragraph Load Shedding

Load shedding means the discontinuation of supply of electricity. Load shedding occurs when generation of power is less than the demand and also for unplanned distribution of electricity. Now-a-days load shedding is almost a daily occurrence in cities, towns, suburbs and even in villages. There is hardly any area, which is not affected by it. Cinema houses, shops, factories, hospitals are all affected by it. The industrial units are paralysed for the time being. Production is hampered due to failure of electricity. Even operations stop in hospitals for load shedding. The students close their books and sit idly in darkness. Thus, load shedding causes much harm to academic activities, diminishing the academic standard. They curse the authorities especially if electricity fails before their examination. During load shedding people’s life on the street becomes insecure too. The further hazard is that the monthly bill of electricity never shows any sign of reduction even though there has been frequent load shedding over the whole month. The whole country is bound to collapse if the present condition of load shedding is not improved. So the government should think over the matter deeply and take necessary steps to check it as early as possible.
Load shedding means the discontinuity of supply of electricity for short or long time. Nowadays it has become a part of our daily life. There are many reasons for load shedding. The insufficient production of electricity is the main reason of it. Misuse and illegal connection of electricity are the other reasons of it. It occurs mostly at night because the demand of electricity is more than in the daytime. The bad effects of load shedding are beyond description. It creates problem in the socio-economic development of the country. Mills and factories, shops, hospitals etc. become paralyzed due to load shedding. The sufferings of the students know no bounds. They sit in the darkness closing their books during the load shedding. They suffer a lot of if it occurs in the time of their examination. The patients also suffer terribly because operation stops in hospitals for load shedding. Load shedding at night also encourages the thieves. However, this problem should be solved at any cost. The concerned authority must take necessary steps to stop it. More power stations should be established. Illegal connection and system loss should also be stopped. After all, there is no alternative to be conscious about the misuse of electricity.

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