Monday, October 14, 2019

Paragraph Environment Pollution

The elements of our surroundings such as air, water, soil, weather, climate, etc. all make up our environment. If the natural relationships among these elements are disturbed, the ecological balance is hampered and this is termed environmental pollution. Our environment is polluted in many ways. Man makes fire for various purposes. This fire produces smoke and smoke pollutes the air. Again railway engines, mills, factories, buses, cars, and trucks also emit smoke and cause air pollution. Water, another vital element of the environment, is also polluted for various reasons. Chemical fertilizers and insecticides, filth and waste products of mills and factories are responsible for water pollution. Again, steamers, launches and even boats throw waste into in the rivers and pollute water. Further, the horns of vehicles and the sound of the machines of mills and factories cause sound pollution. All these types of pollution have harmful effects on humans, animals, and plant. Air pollution causes different respiratory diseases and water pollution causes water-borne diseases. Sound pollution affects the capacity of our hearing. Again pollution causes an ecological imbalance that brings about different types of disasters. So, we should keep the environment pollution-free so that we can ensure a safe abode for ourselves and the generation to come.
All the ingredients that we have around us are jointly known as environment. Environment pollution implies the contamination of the surroundings. Any abnormal change of environment in chemical, physical and biological characteristics in environment is called environment pollution. Environment is the whole system of our existence. Our environment is becoming polluted everyday for several reasons. Human beings mainly pollute environment. Massive industrialization is an important cause of environment. Smoke from motor vehicles also pollutes environment. Serious environment pollution occurs in big cities because buses, trucks and cars play in the streets everyday and emit smoke. Mills and factories also pollute water. They throw their waste products into rivers and canals. By burning wood and melting pitch for road construction people make more smoke and pollute air. We use pesticide in our crop fields. It also pollutes our environment. Indiscriminate cutting of trees has also turned unbalanced environment. The ecological balance is being lost as a result of environment pollution. If we all desire to live a healthy and tranquillized life, we should make our environment clean and free from pollution. We should be all whole-heartedly in keeping our environment fit for habitation.    

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