Monday, October 14, 2019

Story Unity is Strength

Once an old farmer had four sons. They could always quarreled with one another. One day the old farmer called his sons to bring some sticks and tied them in a bundle. He told them to break the bundle. They tried but could not break the bundle of the sticks. Then he told them to untie the bundle and gave a stick to sons and asked them to break it. Then all of them broke the stick easily. The farmer told them that if they would remain separate and quarreled with one another, the enemy would easily defeat them. But if they remained united like the bundle, they would be much stronger and the enemy could not do any harm to them. At this the three sons learnt a great lesson and began to live untidily and happily.
A farmer had three sons. They always quarreled. They were very idle too. This made the farmer unhappy. He tried to bring them to their senses but failed, At last he thought of a plan. He called all his sons and asked them to bring a bundle of sticks. When the bundle was brought, he asked the eldest son to break it. He tried hard but failed. Similarly he asked his two other sons one after another, but no one succeeded. He then asked them to untie the bundle and break the sticks one by one. Thus they did it very easily. Then the farmer said to them, “You see, my sons, each of you broke one stick easily. But none of you could break the bundle of ticks. Why couldn’t you do it?” The eldest son replied. “In the bundle the sticks were together and so we couldn’t break it. “That’s right,” said the father, “You see the strength of unity, now you must have together and no one can harm you.” After this they lived in peace and the farmer was happy.
Once there lived an old man who had three sons who used to quarrel with one another. This made the man unhappy. The old man tried to stop their quarreling and make unity among them but failed. At last he hit upon a plan. He called all his sons and told them to bring some sticks. Then they took some sticks and he tied the sticks into a bundle. Then he asked them to break it. The three sons tried one after another. But nobody could break the bundle. Then their father untied the bundle and told each of his sons to take one stick. Each of the boys took one stick. Their father asked them to break the sticks. This time they broke the sticks easily. Then the farmer told his sons, “If you live together, nobody can harm you and if you are separate, anybody will break you like the single stick”. From that event the sons of the old man realized their fault. So they became united and then they never made any quarreling again.
A farmer had three sons. They always quarreled. They were very idle too. This made the farmer unhappy. He tried to bring them to their senses but failed, At last he thought of a plan. He called all his sons and asked them to bring a bundle of sticks. When the bundle was brought, he asked the eldest son to break it. He tried hard but failed. Similarly he asked his two other sons one after another, but no one succeeded. He then asked them to untie the bundle and break the sticks one by one. Thus they did it very easily. Then the farmer said to them, “You see, my sons, each of you broke one stick easily. But none of you could break the bundle of ticks. Why couldn’t you do it?” The eldest son replied. “In the bundle the sticks were together and so we couldn’t break it. “That’s right,” said the father, “You see the strength of unity, now you must have together and no one can harm you.” After this they lived in peace and the farmer was happy.

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