Monday, October 14, 2019

Story A thirsty Crow

One day a crow became very thirsty. He flew from place to place in search of water but found no water. At last he grew so thirsty that he thought that he would die. He, however, continued his search and found a jar. At once the crow flew down to obtain a drink of water. There was a little water at the bottom of the jar. He tried to drink but could not drink at all. He saw that there were some stones beside the jar. A plan came into his head and he started to drop the stones into the jar one after another. At one time the water of the jar rose to the brim. The crow drank the water to its heart’s content and flew away.
One summer day, a crow got very thirsty. It searched for water hither and thither. At last it saw a jar at a distance. It flew down to it. There was a little water at the bottom of the jar. But it was too low for the crow. The crow tried to upset the jar. But the crow was not too strong to do it. The crow was in a fix what to do.At last he hit upon a plan. He gathered rocks and put down it one by one into the jar.When it had dropped a large number of stones, the water in the jar rose high enough for him to reach it.Then the crow quenched its thirst drinking water to it’s heart content  and flew away with a joyful mind.
It was a hot summer day. A crow became very thirsty. He flew from place to place in search of water. But he found no water. At last he found a jar at a little distance. Out of curiosity it flew to ft. It found a little water at the bottom of the jar, and the level of the water was beyond the reach of the crow.
 The extremely thirsty crow tried its level best to drink the water from the jar, but all its attempts ended in smoke. In the meantime, it saw some pebbles around the jar. Thinking for a while, the thirsty crow started to drop the pebbles into the jar one by one. After some time, it noticed the level of the water coming up. When the water level came within its reach, it drank water to its heart's content and flew away with a fully contented mind.

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