Thursday, October 10, 2019

Story Look Before You Leap

SufiƤ is a worker in a big garments factory. More than five thousand workers work in that factory. One day, while she was busy in work, a sound was heard, “Fire! Fire! Help! Help! As ill news runs apace, the news spread very fast, among the workers. But no one noticed whether there was actually any fire or not. Having just heard the news, without any confirmation, all the workers of the factory became desperate to come outside.
But the factory had only one exit and the path which led to this gate was very narrow. Even three men or women could not pass through this path side by side at a time. So, when all the workers of the factory were trying to come out along this narrow path, the path became congested with the workers. Many workers fell down on the path because of the jostling in the crowd and were trampled by other workers. Some of them received severe injuries. In a word, a chaotic situation had been prevailing in the factory.
After observing the situation, the authority of the factory took steps to pacify the workers. The authority, announced through loud speaker that the news was a rumour and no fire had broken out. Actually, a pipe containing colour had burst out in the dying section but it caused no casualties. After hearing this announcement twice, the workers understood their follies and went back to their work.
Once there as a crocodile who had four children. The crocodile wanted to teach her children. So, she went to fox and asked him if could teach her children. The fox gladly received the offer. So, the crocodile left her all children with the fox went back to the river. The fox liked to eat crocodile’s kids very much. So, he ate one of them. After a week the crocodile came to the fox to see her sweet children. The cunning fox showed one kid twice making a total of four. And told the crocodile that they were do meritorious. The crocodile became satisfied and went away. Then every week the fox ate one of them and followed  the same trick. After eating the fourth child the fox left the place forever. After a week the crocodile came again to see her sweet child but found nothing. She finally understood everything and left the place with profound grief. 
Once a fox was roaming in the dark. As ill luck would have it, he fell into a well. He tried his best to come out but all to no use. So, he had to remain there till the next morning. At about fore-noon the next day, a goat came that way. She peeped into the well and saw the fox there. “What are you doing there, Mr Fox ?” asked the goat. I came here to drink water. It is the best I have ever tasted. Come and see for yourself,” replied the sly fox. Without thinking even a bit, the goat jumped into the well. She quenched her thirst and looked for a way to get out.
The fox said, “I’ve an idea. Stand on your hind legs. I’ll climb on your head and get out. Then I shall help you out too.” The silly goat did so and the fox got out of the well.
While walking away, he said, ” Had you been wise, you would never have got in without seeing how to get out.”

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