Thursday, October 10, 2019

Paragraph School Magazine

A school magazine is an annual publication of a school. It contains the literary writings of the students and the teachers. It is a forum through which our young learners can get the opportunity to express the green ideas of their mind. It is published every year with an interesting and significant title almost all aspects of the school are reflected in it. It is an in an important milestone of the progress and prospect of a school. A school magazine generally contains poems, Short stories, Essays, one-act plays, jokes, and report of cultural activities of the school. Usually, there is a magazine commerce in a school for publishing a magazine. A teacher is usually given the charge of guiding the work of publication. A group of students works together with much encouragement. The headmaster is the chief patron of the magazine. The magazine editor at first invites writings on different subject forms the student. After proper scrutiny of the collected writings for the magazine, the editor selects good ones and sends them to press for printing. The school authority bear the total expenditure of publication. The school magazine can help the students to develop their latent faculties as well as their power of thinking and writing. Infect, the school magazine is the first stepping stone for the future writers. A young learner really feels proud and happy when he finds his writing in the magazine.
A school magazine is a literary journal of the school students. It is usually published annually. Like others, we have a school magazine. The title of our magazine is “Deep Shikha’’. It’s a A4 size coloured annual magazine with extra ordinary designed cover. Its get up is very nice. At first, a magazine committee is formed in a general meeting for the publication of the magazine. The Headmaster of the school is the president of the committee. He inspires us to submit our writings. An English teacher is the adviser. The other members of the committee help him for the publication of the magazine. The magazine contains essays, articles, poems, feature, short stories, jokes, etc. both in English and Bengali. It also contains the message of the headmaster. Mainly students write for this magazine. Some teachers write also for it. All the students and the members of the committee do their best duties for the publication of the school magazine. It helps us  to know more about literature.
A school magazine is an annual publication of a school. It is usually published once a year. Students and teachers write to it. It contains the literary works or other information of a school. It also contains quizzes, poems, short-stories etc. Some teachers and students work for it. The committee is formed among them. The editor invites writings. Then the best writings are selected for publishing. Mainly students and teachers bear the expenditure for the publication of the magazine. A fund is formed named 'magazine fund' for this. A school magazine has great importance in school life. A student can express his latent talent through it Students can know about their school. They can also enrich their knowledge. Every school should publish a school magazine. It is a part and parcel of school life.
The school magazine is a journal published by a school. It is generally an annual publication. It is the mirror of a school. It mainly contains the writings of the students and teachers. A Committee is formed for the publication of a committee. A senior teacher is the editor of the magazine. There are some students in the committee. The editors collect writings from the students. First a notice is given in every class. The teacher encourages the students to write. The man editors along with other editors select the best writings. It contains poems, essays, short plays, puzzles, jokes. It plays an important role in creating a new writer. It helps the students to improve their writing and thinking power. It teaches the students work together. It helps the students to express their feelings and thoughts. It highlights the various aspects of the school development program.

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